Living logistics critical thinking development.

  • What?!!! Didn’t I?!!!

    Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

    Well, If I didn’t take action it was because I wasn’t the right time, and if it was not, I won’t regret nothing; everything should be accomplished at its best momentum, otherwise, it might fail.

    On the other hand, sometimes you done know who might be the individual that you help to survive an accident or by being hurt on war and so on, then that son of a gun result to be a genocide or a mass killer , but what can you do? Nothing, nobody knows!!! Only God, and for some reason, he lets it go! But, he should know why!!!

  • What?!!! Nervous?!!!

    What makes you nervous?

    Normally, I am a very nervous individual, but the uncertainty is something that makes me feel very bad, economically talking , for me is terrible. But what makes me to loose control is the injustice, you know what?!!! It drives me crazy.

  • What?!!! To Unwind?!!!

    How do you unwind after a demanding day?

    To disconnect from the hard daily routine is nothing easy, even when everyone try to do the best for self relaxation and confort. In my case, I just jump from one kind of job or activity to another one, in order to alíviate my brains stressed and feels more physically confortable.

  • What?!!! Social M?!!!

    How do you use social media?

    That is funny!!! The letter M has a great cognitive sense in Spanish, What a M…!!! M=Sh…?!!!

    Unfortunately nowadays, SM has been turned in what I say on top.

    In particular, I understand that Social Media could be very positive if at least thirty percent of humanity would be rational and objective interested in the good development of society but don’t.

    In my personal case Social Media is the instrument I try to use for setting my ideology and if is possible to help others to do the same I do.

  • Jot Down?!!! First thing?!!!

    Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

    Being healthy and ready to do my daily work routine.

  • What?!!! Stuck Out Positively?!!!

    Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

    Yes!!! Very young I meet with strangers individuals with a very strange living concept. The Communists and they stuck me out positively, they showed me by fact that Communism is a source and not an ideology “Margaret Dodgers “ In its real word Communism = Sh… To know this is very positive.

  • What?!!! To Be Me?!!!

    Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

    Self Being?!!! Yes!!! Nothing make me more confident on my human conscience development that once I decided to be me.

    Fortunately, there exists a day in any body’s life, when life forces individuals to choice who they want to be and them have to decide…

    It is said that people are what they really are and not, who they want to be or others perceives them. But I believe that life circumstances can make individuals they will. Destiny might be nothing can preset you to be a coward bad person nor a miserable for any reason.

    Thanks God, I always observed people way to managing their life’s in these regards that we are talking about it, and I has been forcing myself to be who I am through my personal experiences,

    Building me for the best I can, has been the result of a long road way; finally, I hope that my personal work once and ever stand for my character and never bring me down as a bull shit coward, son of a B…

  • What?!!! World?!!!

    What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

    Why the World? It seems to be a quite general kind of world!

    To The Hell?!!! To The Paradise?!!! To The Center of The Earth?!!! Why To Go to a Specific or Special Place In or On, Up or Down?!!! Why?!!!

    To tell you the truth!!! I just would like to go to the place of happiness, where I could’ve been completely full of enjoyment and sense!!!

  • What?!!! My Mother?!!!

    Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you.

    If someone did something good for me, was my mother, Marina, the sacrifice she might did was very horrible , not because I was an ugly boy at the contrary, very pretty boy …

    But I was the one and only, not body else, I guess I was a miracle.

    To tell you the truth, I don’t know how this could happened, my Mom was a professional nurse I believe the first one graduated nurse from the Havana University; before her group, the nursing’s carrier was a kind of associate degree, nothing important at the popular way to look at it. At that’s time, the popular general ideas, at least in Cuba, The nurses reputation were, more or less, as prostituya, but my mother way to think about it was different.

    I believe she chose her carrier because she was so literary and educated person but also a very crazy one, she was very much temperamental and very straight shooter and with a quiet charming personality, I would’ve said that she was a frustrated genius in a third world banana republic, but for her was easy to confront whatever stupidity before to appear. Well I am going to stop here, because I am like sentimental pice of Sh…

  • What?!!!

    Favorite Restaurant ?!!!

    What is your favorite restaurant?

    Favorite Restaurant or a place to share with friends?

    Probably is not Sergio’s the best restaurant because the food, but the best place where I like to go and share’s with friends.