Living logistics critical thinking development.

  • What?!!! Vote?!!!

    Do you vote in political elections?

    Yes I do, but it is more important to know why you do it a to whom to vote to; otherwise, you might missing your target.

    Today, there ara so many sophists looking for themself, but no much real interested to serves of citizens but so their personal interests politicians . Whatch your steps? To many snakes around!!!

  • What?!!! My Direction?!!!

    What gives you direction in life?

    Time and think, independently, of been accepting all of good elderly kind of guidance by lessen them and paying a quite bit of attention.

    In the other hand, it’s very important to develop critical thinking, if we want to be precisely in any important decision taken by us, remember it’s very important to be rational.

  • What?!!! A Quote to think of?!!!

    Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

    Yes, why not, I believe everyone should have it!!!

    To me, be rich and famous,

    Again, people need to dream! Other wise life has no sense, to struggle for success is goal that positive individuals look for, if not, something wear is present in the mind of who goes and look in different way!!!

    There are a bunch of sophisms around this, unfortunately, it seams that’s sophists have right, but they don’t; the universal philosophical figure of Diogenes is a scam, if there are no dignity there are not value.

    On the other hand, negative philosophy is a failure, because it is against progress and wellness, it goes against the normal humanity development, its dark and very backward, it might be considered a real counterculture.

    Actually, the new leftist world, High Financials Institutions, have influenced to most of humanity to converted in a very compassionate with others by reducing theirs ability to look for progress of some of the greatest majority. Watch!!! Where is the catch?!!!

  • What?!!! Favorite Holiday?!!!

    What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

    Let’s say New Year, yes, because it’s like restoring faith in a motive for hope and confidence in the new days to come, to repair some kind of frustrations of the past that we needs to left behind if we want to continue seen forward instead,

  • What?!!! Camping?!!!

    Have you ever been camping?

    No, I grew up at farm and I know what it means, but I didn’t did it personally, but for cities individuals should results a great experience.

  • What?!!! Most Productive?!!!

    When do you feel most productive?

    Anything that I might be able to accomplish to the end, for me is productive, it is a goal done, it doesn’t matter how big it is, but when a target is taken, in order to do any job big or small is very important to finish in my personal commitment about it, and once that I finished it, I know have won.

  • What?!!! Emoji?!!!

    What are your favorite emojis?

    Thumb 👍 up!!!

  • What?!!! To Discuss?!!!

    What topics do you like to discuss?

    There a lot of there to discuss! Today, I just would like to pried to see if this world where we live turns for better, but keeping its best it has for the use of humanity.

    Unfortunately, there are to greedy and powerful individuals and inter-prices executives which are so crazies looking to control our existence by selecting who will survives in the new Earth and its new adopted environmental.

    They are trying to play the god Game, but they are not God. Those individuals are a group of ones like The once, at the Babel Tower, but again , they will going to fail.

  • What?!!! Last Risk?!!!

    When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

    Risk is Risk!!! And alway it brings whatever’s result, good or bad, but the main thing should be to weigh the possibility of the result and evaluate if is worthy to risk any way, it depends how much chance you think it might have in your favor.

    Make a good calculation, I believe nobody wants to be loser! And much more, nobody wants to say I am a loser, I never did.

  • What?!!! Risk, Regret?!!!

    Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

    In nineteen eighty I took the decision of risking my family and myself when I decided to come to America in Mariel boat lifting, it was a big risky adventure, because the Cuban Castros Cartel; forced thousands of families to leave their sequestered Island for political reasons and social revenge. But for me and my family was the best decision made and we never regretted.